The first five fry were released into the Guadalupe River Saturday, February 19th. They spent the previous few days in a smaller aquarium kept cold by ice surrounding it and constant temperature monitoring. When the fry were released, the water in the aquarium only had to be brought up one degree to match the current temperature of the Guadalupe River. The video below shows the process of the release.
I am glad the fish are finding new homes. Did you notice that some of the fish stay in a clump and do not swim far away and some of the fish move all around the tank? Why do you think they are so different?
Thanks for helping with our trout project. Just think, one day you may be fly fishing and catch the trout that you helped release into the Guadalupe River.
Congratuations on a successfull stocking effort on the Guadalupe River and your participation at Trout Fest! I was VERY impressed with your website and the information you shared with us on rearing/stocking rainbow trout. If you will get me the total number and size of fish you stocked, I will add that to our permanent stocking records.
Its great to know that we will have some future fisheries biologists on hand to make fishing better for future generations of anglers! Please let me know if I can help you achieve your dreams of becoming a fisheries biologist.
Dave Terre
Chief of Management and Research
Inland Fisheries Division, TPWD
@karen: yes, i noticed that too. But to save fish from dying we’re glad they transferred to another area and also found there new home. I
I enjoyed watching the video. 🙂
Steff from